Infrastructure - E Library

1. Library as a Learning Resource:

  • The Central Library of S.K.S.D.Mahila Kalasala,UG And PG (Autonomous) Consists of 20,860 volumes. More than 63 Journals and more than 4 magazines are reaching to the library periodically. More than 12 daily news-papers are available in the library. More than 300 different Subject CDs are available to the students.
  • The Library has an Advisory Committee constituted for a period of one year. It consists of Senior Faculty members, Final Year Students of UG & PG and a Representative of College Management. Principalis the Chairman and the Librarian is the Convener of the Committee.

2. Functions:

  • The committee meets twice in a year and reviews the development that has taken place and suggests future plans for the development of the Library.
  • It approves the list of books / journals proposed for subscription by variousdepartments.
  • It collects the feedback of the students on library.
  • Establishment    of    specialized    services    for    manuscripts,    reference reprography, inter library loan service etc.
  • Provision of internet facilityand INFLIBNET facility to cater to learner’s needs.
  • Annual stock verification is going by the staff numbers and finally audited by the Departmental auditor.

3.Total Seating Capacity - 120 members

4.Working Hours

  • On working days               :              9.00 A.M. to 6.00 P.M.
  • On Holidays                      :                9.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.
  • Prior to Examinations        :              8.00 A.M. to  8.00 P.M


  • Accessible to the students from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM.
  • On an average 118 students are using the net service.
  • CDs,DVDs etc., on various subjects are accessible to the readers.


  • Physically challenged students are exempted from personal presence before the library staff in case of issues and return the library materials.Instead, the authorized by them can take the library materials on behalf ofthem.

7.Librarymotivatesstudentsandteachers toreadexistingandnewarrivals

  • Orientation programmers are being conducted every year and explainingabout the Library such as infrastructure facilities, journals & magazinesavailability,dailynews-papersavailability,newarrivals,rare&manuscripts, reference books, mana tv programmes reprography service, availability of different CD’s, old exam question papers, internet facility etc.


  • In addition to books and journals, technology aided learning mechanismsare available to the students and staff members to acquire information, knowledge and skills.
  • Photo copied articles published in journals and newspapers on curricular aspects, Teaching-Learning and Evaluation, academic and society outreach programmes, women empowerment, value-based education, research methodology and current issue are documented.
  • Papers clippings on employment, sports & games, placement and communication skills, education, devotional, softskills, book reviews, women empowerment etc.,are available.
  • Books in different subjects are provided by Sri Chitturi Subba Rao, EX.MP, Smt.Chitturi Satya Usha Rani, Dr. P. Aruna, Dr. M. Jhansi, Dr. K.Radha Pushpavathi, Dr. D.M. Neeraja, Dr. M.Sridevi and Public which are preserved in the library.


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