

The excellence in academic service being rendered by S.K.S.D. College, spread like light and was recognized by the society at large. An impeccable manner of academic process in S.K.S.D College compelled University Grants Commission, New Delhi and Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahendravaram to confer Autonomy status on it in the year 2015 and also extended for Five Years (2022- 2027). The college is functioning on its own academic calendar. The college is also conducting the examinations and publishing the results within a short time which is giving ample time and scope for the outgoing students to pursue higher education or career developments.

In our college, the Board of Studies in each subject which was constituted as per the UGC guidelines meets once annually and frame the syllabus in the subject after thorough discussion. The mode of exam and the model papers in the subject are also finalized in the meeting. The proceedings of the Board of Studies meetings of all the subjects are them placed before the Academic Council of the College. The syllabus and mode of examination will be adopted in our college after the approval from the Academic Council. Important academic matters such as conducting seminars / workshops, promotions of research etc., are also chalked out by the Academic Council.

The recommendations of the Academic Council are then placed before the S.K.S.D. Mahila Kalasala UG & PG Autonomous Governing Body for approval and further action such as constitution of new building, development of our autonomous college is thus planned and executed in academic / research and infrastructure matters.

i) Aims of the Autonomy:

   To make the college a responsible, self-generating and self-sustaining institution.

ii) Objective of Autonomy:

   1. To reshape the curriculum according to the changing needs for the society.

   2.  To offer various modified courses.

   3. To provide opportunities for employment.

   4. To promote scientific approach and research orientation among the staff and also the students.

   5. To promote creativity and responsible thought and action for successful implementation of autonomy.

iii) Advantages of Autonomy:

   1. The year is divided into two semesters.  The performance of each student is keenly observed and the student is assessed throughout the year.

   2. To restructure and to redesign the courses and syllabi to suit the local needs and present day needs of the students.

   3.  To provide better learning opportunity to the student necessary for better career prospects.

   4.  To provide the student with additional advantages like imparting communication skills.  computer education, career guidance, yoga and personality development.

   5.  Autonomy to the college will help the student to be regular to the class and also makes her regular in studies which ultimately help her in performing well in the examinations.

   6.  Autonomy will provide better participation of faculty in management, academic counicls and Board of studies.

   7.  Autonomy also helps us in conducting the examinations and publishing the results in time and attend to grievances promptly.

   8.  The college will get better financial assistance from UGC Regarding exams, paper setting and valuation will be done by external examiners and degree will be awarded by Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahendravaram.  The Management and faculty are committed to conduct the Autonomus system in our college successfully. 


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