Code of Conduct




A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms and religious rules and responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual, party or organization.  Related concepts include ethical, honor, moral codes   and religious laws.

In its 2007 International Good Practice Guidance, "Defining and Developing an Effective Code of Conduct for Organizations", the International Federation of Accountants [1] provided the following working definition:

"Principles, values, standards, or rules of behaviour that guide the decisions, procedures and systems of an organization in a way that (a) contributes to the welfare of its key stakeholders, and (b) respects the rights of all constituents affected by its operations."



1. Every student should attend classes regularly.

2. If the student is absent for an  hour in a session, it will be treated as absence for half a day.

3. If the student is absent for more than one hour it will be treated as absent for that day.

4. All leave letters shall be submitted to the concerned Tutors.

5. Late coming to the college is to be avoided.

6. Those who have less than 75% of attendance will not allowed to appear for Semester Examinations.

7. Every Student shall wear uniform on all days except on Saturday.

8. Vehicles must be parked at the place provided for this purpose.

9. The gates shall be closed and no student shall be allowed to enter after the third bell is given.

10. The students shall be courteous and gracious to the members of the staff.

11. Students should behave in an orderly manner within the college premises.

12. Students who have no class in a  particular  period should not disturb other classes at work. They should go either to the library or the reading room.

13. Students shall not take part in any activity or movement, which tends to bring discredit to the institution or to themselves.

14. Students may ventilate their grievances, through grievances box.

15. Every student should attend classes regularly.

16. If the student is absent for an hour in a session, it will be treated as absence for half a day.

17. If the student is absent for more than one hour it will be treated as absent for that day.

18. All leave letters shall be submitted  to  the  concerned Tutors.

19. Late coming to the college is to be avoided.

20. Those who have less than 75% of attendance will not allowed to appear for Semester Examinations.

21. Every Student shall wear uniform on all days except on Saturday.

22. Vehicles must be parked at the place provided for this purpose.

23. The gates shall be closed and no student shall be allowed to enter after the third bell is given.

24. The students shall be courteous and gracious to the members of the staff.

25. Students should behave in an orderly manner within the college premises.

26. Students who have no class in a particular period  should not disturb other classes at work. They should go either to the library or the reading room.

27. Students shall not take part in any activity or movement, which tends to bring discredit to the institution or to themselves.

28. Students may ventilate their grievances, through grievances box.


30. All students should attend weekly tests (every Monday) and Mid Examination without fail. Marks of these examinations will be considered for awarding proficiency Prizes.

31. Every student should take active  part  in  one  activity  or the other that is being sponsored in the college.


33. No student shall cause damage to the college property such as class rooms, sports and games equipment, seminar hall, Auditorium, Laboratories or plants in garden etc.

34. Student should avoid disfiguring the walls and black boards.


36. The following are the general rules of the Library. No one should violate the rules and regulation of the Library.

37. The Library shall remain open from 9 A.M. to 6  P.M.  on all working days, on holidays 9AM. To 1 P.M and prior to Examination 8 A.M to 8 P.M.

38. All persons may be allowed admission to the library.

39. Each member shall fill up a membership form.

40. Every person who enters the library shall sign the gate Register.

41. The personal belongings except purses of the members shall not be allowed to the library.

42. Each member shall be provided with a membership identify card.

43. Each member shall present his/her membership identity card before any book is issued to him/her.

44. Nobody is allowed admission to the library unless he/she produces a membership card.

45. The readers shall keep silence within the library premises.

46. No reader is allowed to sleep in the library premises.

47. The books shall be issued to students for a fortnight, Teachers for a term and to departmental libraries for a session.

48. The members shall not  sub-lend  the  books  issued  from the library.

49. If the books are not returned on the due date, an overdue charge @ 50 paisa per book per day will be charged.

50. In case any book is lost or injured by the member, the member shall replace the book or  shall  pay  the  cost  of  the book.

51. If a book is one of the volumes of a set, the reader may be asked to replace the whole set.

52. Reference books, rare books, periodicals may not be issued to the readers. Sometimes they may be issued with the permission of the librarian.

53. The books may be renewed if  the same are not in demand or are not reserved by other readers.  The renewal will be  done on the physical presentation of the book only.

54. If the member does not pay the library dues, the privilege of borrowing books may be suspended till he/she deposits the requisite amount.

55. The readers shall behave in a civilized manner.

56. The issue counter will be closed half an hour before the closing hours.

57. The readers are liable for punishment and fine  if  they either misbehave or damage the books or any other property of the library.

58. The librarian shall have power to refuse  the  issue  of  a book to any member or he/she may recall nay book without assigning any reason therefore.

59. Students are advised to use e-resources available in the library.


Teachers to respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his/her opinion, deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political,  economic, social and physical characteristics, recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs. Further, the teachers to encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare, inculcate scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace. Teachers have also be told to be affectionate to the students and not behave in a—vindictive manner, make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national goals. Teachers should also refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or administration. As a part of their social duty, teachers have also been asked to strengthen the community's moral and intellectual life, take part in activities conducive to the progress of society, participate in community activities and shoulder responsibilities of public offices and refrain from any activity which promotes differences in the name of caste, faith, language etc. "A teacher is constantly under the scrutiny of his students and the society at large. Therefore, every teacher should see that there is no incompatibility between his precepts and practice... teachers should manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession, express free and frank opinion as well as participate in extra-curricular activities including community service."

Governing Body:

Objects of the Governing Body:

To establish and maintain educational and other institutions to impart instruction in Arts, Commerce, Science Technology or any other subject for diffusion of useful knowledge.

Functions of the Governing Body:

Subject to the existing provision in the bye-laws of respective college and rules laid down by the state government/parent university, the governing body of the colleges shall have powers to:

   a. Institute scholarships, fellowships, studentships, medals, prizes and certificates on the recommendations of the Academic council.

   b. Approve new programmes of study leading to degrees and/or diplomas.

   c. Perform such other functions and institute committees, as may be necessary and deemed fit for the proper development, and fulfil the objectives to modernize the curricula or make the globally competent, locally relevant and skill oriented to promote employability.

   d. It can fix fees of the courses at their own level.

   e. It will have complete administrative autonomy and have the privilege of appointing their own administrative staff and teaching faculty including Principal. However, the staff will be appointed as per the UGC (Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities  and  Colleges  and  Measures  for  the  Maintenance  of Standards in  Higher  Education)  Registrations  2010  as  amended  from time to time.

   f. Governing Body work for the betterment of the society in general and students & teachers in particular.


The principal will follow the law and rules that are framed to govern and guide various categories of policies and decisions.

1. Maximum of Responsibility and Accountability

2. Maxim of Work Commitment

3. Maxim of Excellence

4. Maxim of Fusion

5. Maxim of Responsiveness and Resilience

6. Maxim of Utilitarianism

7. Maxim of Compassion

8. Maxim of National Interest

9. Maxim of Justice

10. Maxim of Transparency

11. Maxim Integrity

Office Staff:

1. Serving the public (Students) interest

2. Transparency

3. Integrity

4. Legitimacy

5. Fairness

6. Responsiveness

7. Efficiency and effectiveness


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