In the spirit of Indian heritage as a land of subcontinent, with social stratification basedon cast and religion, most populous democracy in the world the institution remains committed to understanding and solving the most significant societal problems.
The SKSD Mahila Kalasala Degree & PG (Autonomous), Tanuku, West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh situated in a coastal rich terrain, established in 1982, with avision and commitment to provide and excel in providing education to girl students for which the five inter dependent core values defined by vision and mission. The institution was accredited by NAAC Thrice, in 2007, 2012 and 2018 with B++, B and B++ grade. Since then the institute has adopted NAAC fundamental ideologies.
1. Contributing to National Development
2. Fostering Global Competencies among Students
3. Inculcating a Value System among Students
4. Promoting the Use of Technology
5. Quest for Excellence
The institution has semi-urban rural set up, situated in Tanuku mandal, lack affordable educational facilities particularly for girl children. The institute was setup with a vision to provide educational avenues to girls of this region and since then the institute has contributed to the human resource development of the nation by producing competent and skilled graduates. Since inception the institute has been taking measures to provide education economically poor and disadvantaged sections of the public in the districts of East and West Godavari. It also ensures social justice and equality by respecting the reservation protocol delineated by the Andhra Pradesh state government. The institute strives to deliver global training standards to its students and simultaneously inculcates value system among students.
The institute ensures global competencies through periodic up-gradation of syllabus, introduction of skillup-gradation and contemporary programs against the global bench marks. The institute has introduced add-on programs to fill-up curriculum gaps to compete with international students. Promote International publications, teaching and training givenaccording to standard International curriculum,encouraging for presenting papers, seminars, posters in various national level smeets.
Striving for a sound value system,discipline, punctuality, grading in internal exams, and innovatively enforcing uniformdress code for the both undergraduate and post graduate students. The institute in its mission statement reflects its commitment to develop responsible and productive citizens with moral and ethical values. In all the programmes of the institute a course content on ethical and human values is included to imbibe the value base in the students. Courses on human values and professional ethics helps the student community to enhance and update value system among the students.
The institute adopted various methods in promoting anduse of ICT at every stage of teaching and learning. The institute has 16 classrooms provided with an LCD projector for classroom teaching. The ICT oriented teaching is adopted in all departments. Every department was provided with a computer with internet connectivity. The pre and post examination system is computerised. TheFinance and Accounts branch is partially computerised. PG Admissions are carried out through web counselling. Students and scholars are provided with the free internet with Wi-Fi facility on the campus.
Academic freedom is primary for any institution to design and develop courses to the local and industrial needs. S.K.S.D. Mahila Kalasala UG&PG(A), Tanuku got the Autonomous status during 2015 and since then the institute is making distinct efforts in the quest for excellence. It enabled us to be the conscience- keepers of changing education policy, needs of students and the economy and the society.
Throughout the 35-years legacy, the S.K.S.D. Mahila Kalasala UG & PG (A), Tanuku has earned a reputation of producing well-prepared graduates and striving to maintain a place on the leading edge of education in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh.
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