The goals and objectives of the Institution always revolve around objectives of the curriculum framed and the Institution has deployed various mechanisms to ensure that the stated objectives of the curriculum are achieved during the course of its implementation.
These are:
1. During introduction, the HOD clearly communicates the course objectives and outcomes to the students at the beginning of academic year.
2. Curriculum Committee meetings at departmental level are held during the semester to keep track of the progress of the course, coverage and the assessment tools employed by the teacher for effective teaching and learning. The reports of these committee meetings are reviewed by the concerned Board of Studies of the Institution and decisions are taken to fill up the gaps if any.
3. Innovations in technology have led to spectacular advancement in all spheres of life. Multi- disciplinary approach assumes greater relevance in the emerging global scenario. The curriculum is designed for integrating teaching – learning through the usage of computers, information and Communication Technology. Value-added component of ICT is included for equipping the student to compete at global level. Hence the students of this Institution are well prepared for employability in the market.
4. The Institution offers good number of value - based add-on courses to expand their beyond curriculum knowledge for better employability.
The following number of academic Programmes are being offered by the institution:
B.Sc with 8 combinations, B.A. with 2 combinations, B.Com with 2 combinations, 2 P.G. Programmes, 14 Add on Programmes and 12 certificate courses were offered during the year. The 12 certificate courses were approved by the academic council during the academic year 2020-2021.
All these Programmes /curriculum reflect on self-development, community and national development, ecology, and Environment, value orientation, employment, ICT introduction, Global and National demands.
5. A Number of value added courses are being offered by the Institution to enable students to acquire skills beyond curriculum, to enhance employability and equip them according to the needs of national and global market environment. These courses are choice based and are offered as certificate Programmes.
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