Rules & Regulations

Implementation of rule of reservation in the admission process (OAMDC): 

G.O. Ms. No. 34 


The Syndicate of the Adikavi Nannaya University in exercise of the powers conferred upon it under the Act and the code is pleased to make the following Standing Orders of the Syndicate in regard to the students of the University and Affiliated Colleges.

01. The Principal of a College shall exercise complete power for the maintenance of discipline of the students of the college.

02. The Principal may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary rules of a permanent or temporary character regulating the conduct of all the students within the college or hostel premises.

03. On the report of the Principal or other authorities all such breaches of discipline, as in the opinion of these authorities call for the imposition of examination etc., as punishment will be considered by the Board of Management. The Board of Management will pass thereon such orders as it deems necessary.

04. The Principal shall have power to inflict the following punishment in the interest of the students or the institution, fine, suspension or expulsion of a student.

05. The Principal has the power not to send any student to the public examination unless he/she puts in the necessary attendance fixed from time to time.

06. The Principal shall communicate to the parents or guardians of the students who are very backward and show no improvement or whose attendance is poor and conduct is unsatisfactory. The names of students who are found incorrigible even after warning will be removed from the rolls after intimation to parents or guardians. The orders of the Principal in this matter shall be final.

07. In case of serious indiscipline by students, the Principal, when possible, before taking disciplinary action, inform the parents or guardians of the nature of the acts of indiscipline committed by such students and request the parents or guardians to exercise their authority in favour of discipline.

08. If any student is expelled from the college, intimation of the fact of expulsion, with a statement of the reasons therefore shall be given forthwith by the Principal to the parent or guardian, alone has revisionary powers over the decision of the Principal.

09. It shall be one of the conditions of admission to the college that students shall submit themselves for Medical Examination as arranged by the college.

10. The Principal of the College may prohibit students from attending political or other meetings if they apprehend a breach of peace.

11. (a) Students of the College going on strike or in any way found guilty of serious indiscipline shall IPSO facto immediately forfeit their Scholarship, fee concession etc..

      (b) Scholarships, fee concession etc., thus forfeited shall not ordinarily be restored.

12. Students of the College going on a strike or in any way causing of serious breaches of discipline shall be required, if they are residents of the attached hostels, to quit the hostels at 24 hours- notice and they shall not ordinarily be re-admitted to the privileges of residence in the Hostel.


01. Every Student seeking admission in the college is deemed to be prepared and willing to prosecute studies on a full time basis. Hence he/she is expected to attend all lectures, and in the case of science subjects, all the Practicals.  Absence on account of unavoidable causes such as illness or grave calamity in the house may, however, be permitted by the principal provided leave application is submitted through the class officer in time along with Medical Certificate from Physician countersigned by the Parent/Guardian subject to a maximum of 9% of the total working days.

02. Every student must attend at least 75% of the lecture classes and in the case of science 90% of the practical classes to enable him to obtain a certificate of eligibility to appear for year - end examinations/semester end examinations.

03. The absence of a student without leave for any single hour in a session entails him the loss of attendance for that session., i.e. half a day.

04. Any student who absents himself without leave shall be punished with a fine of Rs. 5/- per day in the first instance apart from treating the student as absent. Heavier punishment may be imposed if the student is irregular apart from treating as absent.

05. The names of the students who fail to put in 75% of attendance during any month are announced on the Notice Board during the first week of the succeeding month. For obtaining scholarships/fee concessions, students should put in 75% of attendance.

06. All the students are expected to check their attendance in the chart displayed on the Notice Board monthly. In case of any discrepancy, they should get it rectified within 5 days. There after complaints will not be entertained.


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