Best Practices

     Best Practice I

1.Title of the Practice - SOCIAL BATTALION & TASK FORCE

2. Objectives of the Practice

i)To develop service mentality and habit of social service and to enable the students to participate in various social activities.

ii)To make student community aware of social life outside their academia.

iii)To engage in activities that help the local communities in their difficult situations.

iv)To enable students to respond and to manage crisis, disasters and natural calamities.

v)To help students to develop team spirit and capacity building through involvement in versatile activities.

vi)To impart adequate training to students so as to enable them to tackle crisis.

3. The Context

There is a lack of empathy among students and a general tendency to stay away from social realities. But the college is always deliberate and particular in including the excluded and in reaching out to the unreached. In this context, this practice stands unique and apart. This practice trains students to creatively and responsibly respond to the grave issues in the society. Selected students are given training and they train all other students to face certain issues and crisis in the society. Since there is a limit in the strength of students who can be enrolled in NCC and NSS, this practice gave opportunities to those students to serve in the society.

4. The Practice

The programme is designed to encourage students to join voluntarily for various social activities. Entry to this voluntary team is open to all, but preference is given to students who are not members of N.C.C/N.S.S. Thus, this practice provides a platform for students who were interested in social activities. The members of the Battalion are also provided with different skill enhancement programmes such as First Aid training, Health and Safety, Disaster management, and Community Work and through these students and all other students in the college are given proper training.

5. Evidence of Success

These programmes transformed students more socially responsible and empathetic.Students started engaging in more community service activities without any compulsions and the increase in the number of students who voluntarily took part in the activities is a testimony for the success.

6.Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Organizing students for voluntary activities outside the campus and catering to the needs of the diverse groups in the community raised challenges in the initial stages.Also since this was a novel initiative,it took some time to become more systematic.

                                                                               Best Practice - II


2. Objectives of the Practice

i)To enable better environmental management,greater sustainability and an improvement in the quality of life for all stakeholders associated with the campus.

ii)To educate students about organic farming and to motivate them towards organic cultivation.

iii)To help students to develop team spirit and capacity building by involvement in green activities.

iv)To maintain greenness and freshness in the campus and making it a green hub.

v)To create awareness to REDUCE,REUSE and to RECYCLE the waste generated in the campus.

3.The Context

SKSD Green is an initiative with the aim of creating pollution free, green and healthy environment for the college and surroundings.In this endeavour,college organized various activities to reduce carbon footprints and has inculcated greener practices.

4.The Practice

By upholding the motto ‘Clean Campus- Green Campus’,sustainable future is our aim. UG & PG students are given training to practice organic farming at home. Also Programmes conducted in the campus are organized in compliance with Green Protocol. Awareness programmes are conducted and coordinated in the college by NCC & NSS. In this endeavour, college has undertaken initiatives to reduce carbon emission. Our campus is blessed with a variety of trees pivotal in controlling carbon emission in the locality. The efficient carbon sequestration of the campus ensures fresh air for the college .To minimize use of paper,instructions and notices are communicated to the staff online. A beautiful garden is maintained to make the campus eco-friendly. Also the butterfly garden adds more greenery in the campus.The college has undertaken various energy and water conservation initiatives like rainwater harvesting, use of energy efficient LED lamps and installation of solar power plants.

5. Evidence of Success

i) This practice was launched to enable students to take up the causes of environmental changes.Therefore students started engaging in preservation activities,tree planting, gardening and in maintaining kitchen gardens.

ii)According to Green audit,Carbon sequestration is running well by the biodiversity protected in the campus.It ensures clean air not only for the college.

iii)A kitchen garden in the household of students and staff members and introducing non-toxic vegetables into their diet was an achievement of the practice.

v)Paper materials and other alternatives were used for decoration purpose during programmes and this helped to reduce non-degradable waste materials.

vi)As per Economic survey of Government of India,National level per capita of Carbon footprint is 1.84 T CO2 eq .per annum in 2021With minimal effort, it can be maintained in coming years.

6.Problems encountered

i) Natural Disasters like floods and COVID-9 pandemic affected the initial phase of the practice.

ii) Placing these programmes within the tight academic schedules and untimely conduct of Semester examinations was challenging.But by conducting programmes on holidays and during pre and post class hours, this problem was addressed.

iii) Development and maintenance of proper infrastructure for green practice was rather expensive and it needed expert advice and investment in resource.

iv) Educating local community about green initiatives to enable them to adopt adequate measures remained a challenge.

v) It requires determination and long term commitment from all the stakeholders.


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