1. Purpose
This policy establishes the research environment within which academic staff and postgraduate research students carry out their Research. It also provides an over reaching framework for the undertaking of Research activities at SKSD Mahila Kalasala (UG & PG) Autonomous, Tanuku, West Godavari dist.
2. Organisational Scope
This policy is applicable for the SKSD Mahila Kalasala UG & PG (A) and its associate institutions.
3. Definitions
For purpose of this policy, unless otherwise stated, the definitions shall apply: Academic Staff Includes all staff that have a contractual obligation to carry out Teaching and Research. The person in each faculty who is responsible for the approval of all administrative decisions and for all academic matters related to the postgraduate research degree programmes of candidates within their faculty.
4. Research
Research should be original, independent and investigative to contribute to the knowledge and understanding and, in the case of some disciplines, cultural innovation or aesthetic refinement. Research typically involves inquiry of an experimental or critical nature driven by hypothesis or intellectual positions capable of rigorous assessment by experts in a given discipline. Research includes work of direct relevance to the specific needs of communities, government, industry and commerce.
Research may include: contributions to the intellectual underpinning of subjects and disciplines. Research should be to the extent that it is new and creative. Research findings must be open to scrutiny or formal evaluation by experts within the field. This may be achieved through various forms of dissemination including, but not limited to, publication, public presentation, or provision of confidential reports.
Applications for grants or seed money is considered by committees of the SKSD Mahila Kalasala UG & PG (A) Research Committee on the basis of the College strategic objectives.
5. Policy Content and Guidelines
5.1 Requirement to Undertake Research
(a) Each scholar will carry out independent Research or creative activities that are appropriate to their discipline. In doing so they will, individually or in collaboration with colleagues: (i) supervise Research students; (ii) broadly disseminate Research results including through their teaching practices and, where appropriate, protect the results of their Research; (iii) contribute to the Research environment and culture of SKSD Mahila Kalasala activities such as mentoring, engagement in new Research initiatives and strengthening the Research infrastructure; and (iv) participate in initiatives designed to secure financial support for Research activities from external sources (example, government funding, industry partnerships and contracts, philanthropic gifts)
(b) The requirement to undertake Research is a career expectation and will be balanced with the other obligations of academic staff including teaching and administrative responsibilities.
(c) Nothing in this policy is to be construed so as to prevent Heads of Departments from allocating teaching and other responsibilities in the light of the Research activities of academic staff.
(a) Academic staff and students are required to carryout their Research in compliance with all the statutory obligations under legislation and any ethical and contractual obligations.
(b) Research projects that involve human or animal subjects, including those undertaken as part of a teaching programme, must be approved in advance.
(c) Academic staff and students are required to comply with all the statutory obligations under law.
5.3 Research Management Policy:
(a) Research matters is coordinated through Research Committee. It advises and informs Academic Board on Research strategies to be pursued, develops policy (including strategic and scholarships policy for Research students) and reviews progress in these areas.
(b) The Research Office provides Research services for staff. This support includes but is not limited to: (i) Assisting Research Committee with coordinating the activities, monitoring external Research policy developments (ii) Securing and supporting external Research funding from the public and private sectors (iii) Monitoring and reporting on externally funded Research grants (iv) Providing professional development opportunities for staff to enhance their Research performance.
5.4 Resources in Support of Research:
(a) College Research Fund (i) The principle governing the allocation of all Research funding in the College is that it is an investment intended to maximise the range of outcomes that the college expects to result from staff and student Research. (ii) A portion of the Research Fund supports staff at Lecturer/Senior Lecturer level who are in their first five years at SKSD and who have not previously received external Research funding support (iii) All applications for any external Research funding are to be submitted through the Research Committee in the name of the SKSD. (iv) All research contracted by an external party is administered by the Research Committee. (v) The Research Committee provides the contract, financial and non-financial management services. (b) Academic staff are eligible to apply for leave in support of their Research including Research and Study Leave.
5.5 Research Planning:
Each Faculty is required to develop and implement his own Research plan that is consistent with and delivers to the SKSD Research Strategy.
5.6 Evaluation and Monitoring of Performance:
(a) The Research Committee has the responsibility for the evaluation of the SKSD College Research performance.
5.7 Postgraduate Student Research:
The In-charges and HODs are responsible for ensuring that the Post Graduate degrees complies with the relevant University Statutes, policies and procedures. (b) HoDs are responsible to make appropriate budgetary provision for the support of postgraduate student Research.
5.8 Publication and Intellectual Property:
The College management expects all Research outputs will be publicly available.
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