Student Council Activities : VIEW
Student Council comprises of the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and Members who take up various tasks such as organizing meets, conducting activities, acting as liaisons between student body and administration. They also act as event managers for the conduct of curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Activities of the Student Council: Works in unison with the Departments to upgrade quality initiatives undertaken to make the students participate in the development of institution. Transform the students into wholesome personalities and develops leadership skills by organizing various interactive programmes with faculty, administration and society. Motivate students to participate in Academic and Administrative activities through various committees and cells of the college. Prevent Ragging on the campus by counselling senior students. Encourage students to improve their technical, innovative and creative skills by organizing Seminars / Workshops/ Symposia/ Technical Fests etc. Organize Swachh Bharat activities to maintain cleanliness. Conducts Medical Awareness and Blood Donation Camps in collaboration with NSS and extend contribution towards social service. Organize activities that create eco-friendly ambience on the campus. Conduct assembly every day. Maintain peace and harmony in the institution by motivating the students to observe discipline, decorum and dignity. Organizes activities through Departmental Associations in which students are involved in Seminars, Workshops, Quiz, Industrial Visits, Science Fests and celebration of traditional and national festivals. Involve students in the compilation of College Magazine by motivating them to contribute articles and in preparing departmental Brochures, Posters, Banners and Placards for various events organized by the respective departments. Assist the Cultural and Sports Committees by encouraging students to participate in Intra-mural, Inter-collegiate and National/International Competitions by providing excellent coaching under the supervision of experts in the field. Motivate Class Representatives to take initiative in planning and executing various activities and updating academic information. The student representatives and members of the Student Union Committee discuss issues like Food Quality, Water and Sanitation facilities and to initiate remedial actions. Monitor smooth functioning of programmes like Fests, Teachers’ Day, National Day celebrations, Annual Sports Day and College Day. Assist the IQAC in collecting Feedback from students, alumni and parents. Involve students in policy making and decision making to play key role in various academic and non-academic bodies such as Anti – Ragging, N.C.C, N.S.S, Red Ribbon Club and Women Empowerment Cell with a view to empower them. Organize Awareness Programmes, Rallies, Pledges, and observes Birth and Death Anniversaries of eminent personalities in various fields and International Years of Importance.
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